- 公司地区:浙江省金华市武义县
- 公司法人:陈林森
- 注册资本:1688万元人民币
- 实际金额: 50万元人民币
- 成立日期: 2006-12-22
- 官网地址:
- 信用代码:91330784797600280E
- 公司地址:浙江省金华市武义县白洋街道经济开发区百花山工业区(浙江健坤实业有限公司内)(自主申报)
Yongkang Upbeat Indusry & Trade Co.,LTD
We never supply poor quality products to customers
Established in 2006, Yongkang Upbeat Industry and Trade Co.,Ltd is a professional desinger and manufacturer of ATV,Dirt bike,pocket bike,crazy fit massage and other sports products. 阿比特本着一切为了客户的宗旨,为方便客户随时咨询,除工作日的全天候在线服务外,我们有专业的销售团队在12小时内为客户解答订单要求以及产品相关咨询。同时,我们欢迎您留下宝贵的意见。
Upbeat company clearly knows that it should closely support, serve and cooperate with customers, and UPBEAT has a professional sales team to serve and answer customers for their order requirement within 12 hours. Meanwhile, UPBEAT welcomes customer’s suggestion to update products, service or development of the new vehicles.