- 公司地区:广东省广州市天河区
- 公司法人:黄倩美
- 注册资本:1600万元人民币
- 实际金额: 1600万元人民币
- 成立日期: 2008-05-07
- 官网地址:http://www.thecantonclub.cn
- 信用代码:914401016718445977
- 公司地址:广州市天河区珠江新城清风街1号第6层、2号1-6层
国际顶级私人会所——广粤会2008年,新世界中国地产与香港迈德国际管理公司共同主催,圈聚一群传乘开拓精神的各界精英,为广州因如富传统而又崭新的城市会所概念.在核心圈(CBD)珠江新城,广粤会由国际顶级私人会所管理服务提供机构CCA负责管理运营,由来自英国的,CCA成功高端私人俱乐部总裁Christon Andrew 先生带领团队缔造南中国最独特及最具声望的国际级私人俱乐部。创会的目的由一群层次相同,拥有共同基因和一致理念的人,铸造一个有共同目标的圈子.建立人脉之外,广粤会更为会员及其家人提供优秀的社交、康乐及餐饮设施,让志同道合者通过突出活动,结伴为伍,一同行乐。亦希望以群体力量,将广州最繁盛时期的“岭南文化传统”“Canton”历史上对外开放中西融合的精神,延续下来。将会所变成企业精英、专业人士、文化人和艺术家汇聚交流,对社会产生正面影响的场地。广粤会是国际化的会员制俱乐部,秉承英式绅士俱乐部的优良传统。它的成立,另广州与国外其他重点大城市看齐,让广州社会精英份子建立交谊应酬的舞台,重拾1868年沙面“广州俱乐部”的精髓。广粤会的会员将是国际及本地知名人士及企业。个人及团体申请,俱通过被邀请及会籍审查委员会审核,确保层次和素质。会所将是城中名人最尊贵私密的去处。广粤会为广州首个服务于城市商业和社会精英的国际商业会所。由于服务于一群特殊的成功人事,我们始终秉承形象及服务上的最高标准。我们超越期待地为每位会员及客人提供服务,并通过全体雇员的良好配合,使股东获得最大的投资回报。目前我们在寻找相关岗位。员工是我们最重要的财富,深信具有良好的待遇和培训将使员工产生向心力,只有员工的发展,企业方能发展壮大。会所秉承“以人为本、广揽人才”的企业理念,奉行“任人唯贤、唯才是举、能者上、博采众才、各尽其能”的人力资源政策,会所为员工提供专业的培训,广阔的发展空间,优厚的薪金待遇,我们期待着优秀员工与我们一起成长发展,共同实现人生、企业和社会的价值。公司网址:http://www.thecantonclub.cnThe CantonclubIn 2008, the New World Group and its business partner C&C Management Ltd., have enlisted the support of a group of elite, who shares common interests, similar concepts and the same traditional values, to help establish The Canton Club-the most exclusive and prestigious international private membership club in South China.The Canton Club is Guangzhou’s premier international business club catering to the elite of the city’s business and social circles. Given our base is an exceptional group of successful people, we maintain a commitment to the highest standards in the amenities as well as the service we provide to exceed the expectations of each of our members and guests, create a partnership with our employees in the work place and maximize the ROI for our ownership.The objective is to become the most notable private venue for a closely knitted circle of established business leaders, celebrities, and captains of industries in Guangzhou. The Club’s Charter is to provide Members and their families with outstanding amenities in which they can enjoy recreation, social life and dining. It will also be a haven for its Members to connect with new friends, to participate in social activities with others who are at the same level of the society, and to establish the valuable “Lingnan” tradition.The Canton Club has adopted the English private membership club tradition, and all of its memberships are “By Invitation Only”. Individual Membership and Corporate Membership are offered, and all applications are strictly vetted by the Admissions Committee of the Club. The roster of Members will include international and local celebrities and companies in Guangzhou.See our website:http://www.thecantonclub.cn