
  • 公司地区:广东省江门市蓬江区
  • 公司法人:刘海明
  • 注册资本:18969.735万元人民币
  • 实际金额: -
  • 成立日期: 2009-01-04
  • 官网地址:http://www.giessdorf.com
  • 信用代码:91440700682491117P
  • 公司地址:江门市蓬江区杜阮镇北二路38号



roca “to be the brand that defines what the bathroom should be like”roca, established in spain, 1917, with enthusiasm and inspiration, inherited european noble to achieve this famous brand. over the past one hundred years, roca has carried forward the essence of european design, gathered top international designers, inherited the fervent pursuit for beauty as spanish people always do, and maintained exquisite workmanship with the combination of the up-to-date technology, thus continuously providing customers with high-quality products of outstanding performances.through its international companies and production centres, roca is present in five continents. its sales network is spread throughout 135 countries, it has 70 production plants in 18 countries and some 20,200 direct employees all over the world, it’s annual turn over comes to 170 million eur, becoming the leading global bathroom company.roca is the bathroom equipment producer with everything in bathroom to satisfy consumer’s requirement, from the technical mature multi-functions massage bathtub system to the simplest bathroom fitting, from fashion shower room to faucets, bathroom furniture and bathroom ornament.roca missionour mission is to leave the next generation of employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and the community at large, a bigger and stronger company with sustainable profitability.roca value-have an entrepeneural spirit-committed-act professionally-lead by exampleroca chinain 1999, roca sets up the first sole proprietorship factory in foshan china. the bathtub factory and the faucet factory was set in suzhou in 2005 and 2007. roca has acquired a famous local brand ying in 2006 and acquired giessdorf in 2008. on jan 1, 2009, the company has set the headquarter for china in nanhai, foshan, guangdong province and also the designing centers in shanghai and beijing.we have a completed bathroom portfolios with vireous china, bathroom furniture, faucet, bathtub and shower enclosure. we try to integrate the global design fountainhead and the local creativity, with our product and service, sales channel and supply chain, roca bend to provide the first-class sanitary ware for chinese consumers.china location-headquarter and nanhai site333 luomu road, shishan technology industrial zone, nanhai district, foshan, guangdong, p.r. china.-suzhou site477 zhongnan road, suzhou industrial zone, suzhou, jiangsu, p.r. china.16 xiasheng road, suzhou industrial zone, suzhou, jiangsu, p.r. china.-shanghai officeroom 503-505, huizhi plaza, no396 north caoxi road,shanghai, p.r.china.-shanghai experience centerfloor 1, huizhi plaza, no396 north caoxi road,shanghai, p.r.china.-beijing experience centerfloor 1, tianheng plaza, no46, dongzhimenwai street, beijing, p.r. china.-guangzhou officeroom 1310-9, 13/f, nanfang security building, 148 east tiyu road, tianhe district, guangzhou, p.r. china.-ying foshanshiwan laichanggang chancheng district, foshan 528031, guangdong china-ying tangshanno. 6 road, nanpu development zone, 063305 tangshan city, hebei province, china-giessdorf38, north 2nd rd., duruan, jiangmen city, guangdong 529075, chinawelcome to join roca and you’re welcome to get more information from our website: www.roca.com or www.roca.cn.roca乐家“成为定义完美浴室的卫浴品牌”roca乐家,源于激情和灵感交汇的西班牙,一脉相承的欧洲高贵血统,成就了这一举世闻名的全球卫浴品牌。创自1917年,作为领导全球的卫浴品牌,roca乐家百年以来传承欧洲设计精粹,云集国际顶尖设计大师,融合最新科技,提供品质卓越和环保的产品。通过各国分公司与生产中心,目前roca乐家产品已遍及全球四大洲。销售网络遍布世界 135 个国家与地区,70家生产工厂分布于 18 个国家,全球共雇用 20,200 名员工,年销售额超过17亿欧元,不懈追求生活舒适度和几何美学度的完美统一,成为全球领先的卫浴品牌。roca乐家是世界上最具规模的浴室设备生产商,从技术成熟的多功能按摩浴缸系统到最简单的浴室配件,从时尚的淋浴房到各款龙头、浴室家具、浴室装饰品一应俱全,满足了消费者全方位的需求。作为欧款设计的佼佼者,roca乐家除了具有精确高效的设计,更注重整体系列的搭配和谐,巧妙的将艺术与实用相互结合,以全球统一的质量标准和环保标准,以时尚设计创新卫浴潮流。roca乐家更是环保先锋,长期致力研发及生产节能及节水产品,获得全球用户的支持和青睐。乐家使命我们的使命是给下一代的员工、客户、供应商、股东和社区留下更大、更强的公司,并实现可持续发展。乐家价值观-开拓创新-信守承诺-专业进取-以身作则乐家中国1999年乐家公司在佛山南海开设了第一家独资生产基地。2005年与2007年在苏州分别开设浴缸和龙头工厂。2006年收购国内知名企业鹰卫浴。2008年收购江门吉事多卫浴。自2009年1月1日,公司已经将中国总部落户在佛山南海,并在北京和上海两地设立了分公司及体验中心。我们拥有陶瓷洁具、浴室柜、五金龙头、浴缸及淋浴房等产品组合,产品配套齐全。我们将致力于全球设计源泉和本地创意力量完美结合,依托我们的产品和服务,强大的销售网络和供应链,为中国消费者提供一流的高档卫浴洁具和***的用户体验。总部及南海生产基地广东省佛山市南海区狮山科技工业园a区罗穆路333号苏州生产基地苏州市工业园区钟南街477号 / 苏州市工业园区霞盛路16号上海体验中心上海市漕溪北路396号汇智大厦一层上海办公室上海市漕溪北路396号汇智大厦裙楼503-505室北京体验中心北京市东城区东直门外大街46号天恒大厦一层广州办公室广州市天河体育东路148号南方证券大厦13楼1310-9室新乐卫浴佛山市禅城区石湾来长岗鹰卫浴总部大楼新鹰卫浴河北唐山市南堡经济开发区六号路南吉事多卫浴江门市蓬江区杜阮镇北二路38号江门吉事多卫浴有限公司生产及经营吉事多卫浴(giessdorf)品牌产品,是西班牙乐家集团(roca group)全资附属公司。九十年代初,吉事多展开了品牌的中国之路。在中国设立五金制造基地,成为众多世界着名卫橱品牌的合作伙伴,发展规模从单一五金向整体卫橱方向整合。吉事多在中国广东省建有制造规模成熟的五金厂、洁具厂、木器厂,横跨五金、卫浴配件、卫浴陶瓷、浴室柜、橱柜等整体配套卫浴系列产品,产品种类多达2000多种,从设计到制造、销售形成专业一体化的卫橱企业。吉事多品牌在中国的大中城市设立了超200家大中型卫橱专卖展示中心,构成较完善的销售网络和服务系统,以尊崇的品牌价值哲学、关怀的品牌服务精神,创造以消费者为价值导向的品牌情怀。人文、科技、艺术、环保、服务,构成吉事多团队的行为坐标,持续成长迈向未来,以价值观念一致的团队、领先的信息科技与先进的开发制造系统,以坚持服务为品牌价值核心的市场系统,结合个性化精致生活的整体主张,用心关怀生命健康为企业已任,与全球客户伙伴共享创造真情趣!




